Cartridges used: Stretch your imagination and Plantin schoolbook
Download files here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ctmhnmqyttd
We in Europe have trouble opening the cutfiles wich are made by American designers. My husband is an IT professional and he found the problem wich is easy to solve.
In America, all files are saved with the American notation of the date inside the file. For example: 29 july 2008 = 07-29-2008. In Europe the computers register this date as 29-07-2008. So when we try to open a cutfile with the American date in it, it won't open.
To fix that you do the following:
Download Hex editor of: http://www.chmaas.handshake.
Install this program on you PC and open it.
Open the cut file in this program and at the right side of the screen on the sixth sentence you see the date. If it has for example the date 07-29-2008 change the 29 in whatever month you want from 1-12. Then save it and you can open your file in cricut design studio.